Crackles and Sizzle!  Anyone using a DAW will at some time or another experience a particular glitching noise when playing back and/or recording.  It sounds like a low volume intermittent crackling or sizzling.  Some describe it as a kind of ‘static’.  If you’ve not experienced it, congratulations, you can ignore what follows! (Check back later if you ever fall victim to it though!)

Yes, I’ve experienced it and that’s why I’ve written this section in case it can give you any clues as to how you might go about resolving it.

Tracking down the source of a noise like this can be incredibly difficult and extremely frustrating.  The first places to look are the obvious ones: power supply issues, and faulty cables, dry joints, plugs, etc. in the connections between all your equipment components.  If you’ve done that and still have crackles then it’s highly likely it’s digital in nature and I’m afraid you’ve got a challenge on your hands.


Things to Check:
