Nothing deep this time, just a song about being too shy to ‘plight one’s troth’, as they say.  Technical notes:

The drum track was made using Toontrack’s EZ Drummer, starting with library beats which I then tweaked.  I programmed the bass MIDI part from scratch, with sounds provided by IK Multimedia’s SampleTank 3.  I used PG Music’s Band In A Box to make the initial electric piano and organ MIDI parts, which I then tweaked.  Sounds for these were then from Steinberg’s Halion Sonic 3 (electric piano) and IK Multimedia’s SampleTank 3 (organ).  I used a BIAB Real Track (i.e. audio, not MIDI) for the rhythm guitar part which you can hear panned right.

I provided the guitar solo using my Epiphone Flying V and Scuffham’s S-Gear 2 guitar processor plugin.  Vocals were done using my usual RØDE NT2 mic, with some sweetening (EQ, compression, reverb) done using Cakewalk’s Pro Channel tools. I sang the two-part chorus harmonies and used Celemony’s Melodyne to make corrections as necessary.  I used iZotope’s VocalSynth2 for the ‘vocoder’ vocal effect.  

The project was engineered in Cakewalk by BandLab. Mastering was done there using iZotope’s Ozone 8 Advanced.