1.  Wovoka dreamed of a time of peace,

When all the settlers would leave our lands.

Lakota people would be released,

And our fathers’ sprits would take our hands.

He promised us his Dance of the Spirits would shield us from the soldiers’ bullets.

Chorus:  Ghost Dance made our enemies afraid,

We were camped in peace that cold winter’s day.

But they shot us down anyway.


2.  The skies were empty like the white man’s word;

Death and sorrow blew across our lands.

Wise men spoke but no one heard

And Yellow Bird began to dance.

At Wounded Knee the snow turned red: over one hundred and fifty dead.

Chorus:  Ghost Dance made our enemies afraid,

We were camped in peace that cold winter’s day.

But they shot us down anyway.


The dead lie on the ridge in their blankets of tears,

Their cries on the wind still echo down the years.

Chorus:  Ghost Dance made our enemies afraid,

We were camped in peace that December day,

But they shot us down anyway.

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